Wow! Another month has just slipped by
and September is here!
For August, here are some devotions from
"Our Daily Bread" that have impressed me.
The first one was August 8th's. The life of
Eric Liddell was given as an illustration of a
man who 'crossed the finish line victorious
through love'.
We are familiar about Eric Liddel as the guy
who made his stand not to compete on an event
during the 1924 Olympic Games because it
took place on a Sunday. Then he went to win
a gold medal in the 400 metres which was on
another day.
Then what happened to him after this feat?
Well, according to the account given in ODB,
Eric Liddell went to China ! a year after his
triumph ; Not for a holiday. But as a missionary,
teacher and rural pastor.
To escape from difficult challenges back home?
To spend 20 years of his life in rural China does
not sound to me like escapism. And apparently
during the Japanese Occupation, he threw his
lot with the local Chinese. He did not take a boat
Eric was together with 1,500 other prisoners
in an internment camp. There, he continued to
serve,whether it be 'carrying water for the elderly
or refereeing games for the teens.'
When he died of a brain tumor in February 1945,
one internee described him as a man 'who lived
better than he preached.'
What a testimony. And God in His time saw it
fit to have Liddell's story told posthumously; and
after so many decades of obscurity. I am sure
there are many more saints like Liddell whom
we do not know and may not know.
But what an encouragement to know saints like
Eric Liddell existed. The encouragement comes
from knowing that there are men and women
who would continue steadfastly in the Lord
through "difficult circumstances, war, uncertainty
and disease" and leave behind a testimony worthy
of their Lord. So that God's name will be glorified.
Today we get more news of 'fallen' saints who
start well but get tripped by riches, success,
fame, etc . It's a breath of fresh air to read of
Christians like Liddell.