Wednesday, September 3, 2008

What Sustains You

What sustained Eric Liddell to serve in rural
China for some 20 years? Perhaps the answer
lies in what David Roper has to say about serving
people in God's ministry.

This is in Our Daily Bread, 14th August . The text
was taken from John 21:15 - 17 where it talks about
Jesus asking Peter 3 times "Do you love Me?". This
was what Roper had to say:

"Was Jesus unaware of Peter's love? Of course
not. ..He (Jesus) asked His questions to under-
score the essential truth that only love for
Christ would sustain Peter in the work that
lay ahead - that arduous, demanding work of
caring for people's souls ....

Jesus did not ask Peter if he loved His sheep,
but if he loved Him. "

Most of the time, we jump in because we love
the people first. Then we ask God if we can
serve them. But Roper believes that:

"Affection for God's people in itself will
not sustain us."

Why? Isn't love for the people we serve a
powerful motivating force? Perhaps. But -

"His sheep can be unresponsive,
unappreciative, and harshly critical of
our efforts to love and to serve them."

How realistic and true an appraisal of man.
And how real such experiences are in the
ministry. Just ask those who have served
long enough.

So ultimately, it has to come back to the
source - Christ our Lord. Our love for Him.
Otherwise, "In the end, we will find our-
selves defeated and discouraged."