Here are a few reminders or checklist when you
feel bogged down by difficulties. Don't really know
these ladies whom I'm quoting- whether they are
truly good role models in their personal lives. But
they make sense as far as their quotes below go:
1. "If a care is too small to be turned into a
prayer, it is too small to be made into a
burden." (Unknown)
What a great reminder! If a care bothers me, then
I should talk to God about it ; bring it before Him.
1 Peter 5:7 "casting all your anxiety on Him, because
He cares for you." If not, then it shouldn't bother me.
2. "It's not the load that breaks you down,
it's the way you carry it." - Lena Horne
There is a 'right' way of going through tough times,
isn't there? The negative way is the way that wears
you down. The complaining, unrealistic expectations,
blaming, self-pity .....
3. "The greatest part of our happiness
depends on our dispositions, not our
circumstances." - Martha Washington -
Some people are truly to be admired and emulated.
They carry their load uncomplainingly, quietly and
steadily. How I wish I could do that.
Can this virtue be cultivated, nurtured? Or is it a
natural disposition? I suppose if it' is because of
their disposition, then these people don't know how
to do it any other way. They can't bring themselves
to voice thier frustrations. They 'dare' not point a
finger in case more fingers point back at them.
But whether it comes from disposition or cultivation,
it is a virtue to be able to carry your load well. And if
it doesn't come naturally, it ought to be cultivated.
For your own good.
4. "Only good things come from God's
hands. He never gives you more than
you can bear. Every burden prepares
you for eternity." - Basilea Schlink -
I like that - "Every burden prepares you
for eternity." Somehow it helps you to take
it better, doesn't it? The pain, the struggles,
etc ...they're not in vain but for a purpose,
a purpose that is not temporary but for