Sunday, September 28, 2008


In studying Co1.1:9-10 much has been
mentioned about being filled with the
knowledge of God.

But David E. Garland in "The NIV
Application Commentary" has this to

" Unfortunately, Christians do not
always put the truth they believe
into practice. We learn enough to
talk about it intelligently but
never follow through on action."

How very true. It is so much easier
to 'study' the Bible, but how difficult
it is to obey.

But Oswald Chambers said, " Obedience is
the means whereby we show the earnestness
of our desire to do God's will."

And George Washington declared that " the
whole duty of man is summed up in
obedience to God's will."

Most importantly, remember what our Lord
Jesus said in Luke 6:46?
"Why do you call Me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do
not do what I say?"

Jesus went further: " Everyone who comes
to Me and hears My words and acts on
them, I will show you whom he is like."

He is like the man who built his house
on the rock. And when the rains and floods
came, the house was strong and secure.