Wednesday, May 28, 2008

"She's Been Safe Ever Since"

Well, the children are growing up day by day and
the things they want to do and the places they want
to go can make you ' die a thousand deaths'. Just
last weekend, for example, girl went for her diving
test at Dayang. This coming weekend, midnight,
she'll be flying off to join Eleanor and Charmaine at
Cebu for a 3 week holiday. Just a 3-girl 'back-pack'
holiday which includes scuba diving, etc.

Well, it's time to hear from Tozer again:

"In our home, we had six sons in twelve years.
Then time went one, and we figured we'd settle
for those six boys. We wanted a girl, but it was
not much use.

Then when our youngest son, Stanley, was nine
years old, along came a girl! Our only girl.

Oh, brother, was she sweet and dear to me. I
was forty-two years old, and I needed a girl
terribly bad, for those 'roughhouse gorilla' ran
the place ragged. Old, smelly gym shoes were

I needed something, and God sent her along.
About that same time, I had to go through a
spiritual experience. That spiritual experience
led me to surrender in a manner I hadn't known
before, and all involved our Becky.

Rebecca Mae, we called her, and we shortened
her name to Becky. She had brown, curly hair;
it was so curly that you couldn't find a straight
one! She was as pretty as a picture, and in spite
of that, they said she looked like me!

She was gentle and feminine. I would go and see
her little feminine things hanging up, you know.
I could have jumped over a building with delight
just to see her little clothes hanging up - tiny,
baby girl clothes.

I loved her more than I knew, and I had to go
to God to die to that, and I did. I gave her up.
I gave Becky up, and I gave her up so completely
that if the Lord had taken her home, I wouldn't
have complained.

I testified to that one time, and of all people, a
missionary came to me and said, 'Mr. Tozer, I'd
be afraid to testify like that. Aren't you afraid?'

I said, 'No, sister, I'm not afraid for this reason.
I have put Becky in the hands that have the nail
prints in them. I put her in the hands that loved
her enough to die, and love never does wrong to
its object. She's safe now, and she was never safe
before. As long as I held her so close, that she was
my darling and my sweetheart, and a part of me,
she wasn't safe, but when I died to her, and turned
her over to those nail-pierced hands, she's been
safe ever since."

Wasn't that such a heart-warming sharing?