Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Pushing God Into a Corner

Often times we "push God into a
corner" when we pray.

How do we do that? Well, according
to Tozer, we push God into a corner
when we use God.

Tozer gave a few examples.

We use God:
"as an escape from hell"

"to help us when the baby's sick"

"as a lifeboat"

"as a ladder out of a burning building"

But how can praying for salvation be a
case of using God, you may protest.

And aren't we supposed to ask God for
help in dire situations? If we can't,
then what is the use of praying? Further
more, didn't God ask us to go to Him
for help, "casting our anxieties before
Him because He cares for us"?

The thing about pushing God into a
corner is that once we get what we want
from God, "we go our way." We have no
more use for God.

We ignore Him. We don't make a point
to continue our fellowship with Him.

We would rather talk to friends but
not to Him in prayers. Why pray when
there is nothing pressing to ask God
for? No problem that we need His help?

In other words, we are using God.

Well, hear it straight from Tozer:

"You have to get away from the idea
that God exists to help you run your
business or fly your airplane.

"God isn't simply a water boy bringing
you water while you have fun. God isn't
simply a redcap carrying your suitcase
and serving you.

"God is God. He made Heaven and Earth
and holds the world in His hand and
measures the dust of the earth in the
balance and the sky; He spreads out
like a mantle.

The great God Almighty is not your
servant; you're His servant."

"He's your Father and you're His
child. "He sitteth in heaven and
you're on Earth."

"The angels veil their faces before
the God who cannot lie."

How easy it is to slip into all
these snares:

Wanting a cut of God's glory when
we serve.

Serving without prayer.

Praying without faith in God.

Pushing God into a corner when we

Thank God He hasn't given up on
us! At least I hope not.

Ps.103:8 says:
"The Lord is compassionate and
gracious,slow to anger, abounding
in love.

He does not treat us as our sins
deserve or repay us according to
our iniquities (v9)

As a father has compassion on his
children, so the Lord has compassion
on those who fear him (v10)

For he knows how we are formed.
He remembers that we are dust.(v14)

May we fear God and remember that
we are but dust.

In remembering that, we will not
arrogate ourselves a place where
we think we can use the almighty
God and get away with it.

May God be gracious and merciful
to help us.