Today's reading is a continuation from Sermon 5 ,
"He Must Increase".
"Do you know that men and women can sacrifice
and still promote themselves?
Many a young fellow who is determined to be a
great engineer, or a great physicist, or a great
politician is living on crumbs, saving his money,
wearing the old suit, and sacrificing like a saint
in order to fulfill his heart's ambition to be a great
physicist, or a great engineer, or a great politician.
The fact that you're sacrificing doesn't
mean a thing in all the world.
Some of you young preachers say, 'Well, brother
Tozer, you can't say that I'm not little. Nobody
ever heard of me, and I'm in a little place where
I'm living on practically nothing.'
But if you could get a bigger place, you would
take it. You are hoping that by serving that
apprenticeship to poverty, you will finally
bounceinto the limelight, and everybody will
say, 'Behold he cometh' and you will be big.
Now, let's watch that, because it's perfectly
possible to put forth a whole lot of sacrifice,
to wear ourselves out and injure our health,
with nothing higherbefore our vision than
the promotion of our own interests.
But John said, 'I get smaller and smaller.' He had
no interest in promoting himself."
"Are you promoting self or promoting Christ" in
your service?