As Tozer in his sermon on "Prepare by Prayer" put it,
"Satan's attacks are rarely anticipated, because Satan
is too shrewd to be uniform. If Satan established a
pattern of attack, we'd soon catch on to his pattern.
The devil doesn't come in always the same way.
Everyone of us could figure him out if he did.
But he'll come at you today like a wild bull of Beijing.
And tomorrow he'll be as soft as Ferdinand.
And the next day he won't bother you at all.
Then he'll fight you three days in a row, and then
let you alone for three weeks.
Remember, it was said of Jesus, after the three
temptations, that Satan left him for a season.
Why? To get the Lord drop His guard, of course.
The devil fights like a boxer. He pitches in like
a skilled pitcher. He uses strategy.
Do you think the devil isn't as smart as Dizzy Dean
or Billy Pierce? Do you think the devil doesn't know
that the way to win over a Christian is to fool by
irregularity? Never attack him twice in the same
way on the same day. He keeps coming in from one
side one time and another side another time like a
pitcher does.
Never trust the devil. Never imagine that he's smiling.
Never look at a picture of him by Dore or somebody,
and say, 'Ah, he's not a bad-looking devil.'
Never trust the devil. Always anticipate any possible
attack by watching and praying, because the spirit,
though it is willing, must deal with the flesh, which is
terribly weak.
And so, by prayer and watching and waiting on God,
you can be ready for his arrival when he does come.
And you can win.
Not on the day he arrives, but the day before he arrives."
A good reminder for the day.