spree. Watched 3 movies within 2 weeks!

Started with "The Dark Knight".
Watched it because of curiosity because I'm no fan of such
superhero shows. But "The Dark Knight" was declared the
best of the Batman series. And Heath Ledger was so praised
for his acting as The Joker.
Then soon after the release, he was found dead of "a possible
drug overdose". Not suicide, his family members said, but
accidental. He was prescribed sleeping pills to help him to sleep
but he overdosed himself.
Tragic. Only 28.
With all this background, thought perhaps I would give it a shot.
It was depressing. The plot was truly not your usual kind of
family entertainment where good is strong, clever and can easily
defeat evil.
Here, the evil portrayed by The Joker is just as smart, always
one up. And subtle and slippery.
And good is shown struggling to triumph. And when it finally
succeeds in defeating the wily, evil, devious tactics of The Joker,
it came at such a great cost. There was the death of idealism
portrayed by Harvey Dent also well acted by Aaron Eckhart.
A bitter sweet ending.
Heath Ledger was truly marvelous and brilliant in his acting as
The Joker. His flippant moves, his twisted smiles, teasing and
provoking in clear diction - really very, very impressive acting.
He deserves a posthumous Oscar award.

The second movie was
"Money No Enough II".
I think it deserves more than one and half stars given
by John Liu of ST. He said it was "mawkish" melodrama
and had a "contrived conclusion".
But I remember I enjoyed the first one, "Money No Enough".
So this sequel is that bad, meh? Went to watch it to judge for
I enjoyed the local jokes especially those in Hokkein. And I
found Henry Thia very entertaining in his role as the eldest
and least capable son trying to be rich so he wouldn't be looked
down on. And as a filial son, he was also good in it.
I would give it a 3.

The third one was
"Mad About English".
Directed by our own
local talent, Lian Pek.
And John Liu gave it 4 and half stars!
He described it as "huge fun from start to finish"
and declared that "You'll be mad to miss this."
There's "crisp editing, clever photography
and perfectly formed soundbites."
I found it similar to "Feet Unbound".
A documentary/drama.
True, it was very well directed.
True, I found it entertaining.
But "huge fun from start to finish"?
Hmmm .... I kind of disagree.
3 - 4 stars maybe. But 4 and half?
A bit too much.