saw this poem. Have a fondness for it.
"My life is like a weaving between my God
and me.
I do not choose the colours He works steadily.
Sometimes He weaves sorrow
and I in foolish pride forget He sees the
upper and I the underside.
Not till the loom is silent and the shuttles
cease to fly will God unroll the canvas and
explain the reason why the dark threads are
as needful in the skilful weaver's hand as
the threads of gold and silver in the pattern
He has planned."
Don't know who penned this poem but certain parts
really speak to me like "the dark thread are as
needful as the threads of gold and silver" and the
fact that while we go through the "dark threads"
of sorrow and pain, we don't realise that the it is
part of the beautiful pattern God had in mind.
However, sometimes God does tell us why the
"dark threads " are there. We don't always have
to wait till the work is finished to know the reason.
Another favourite poem is the Serenity Prayer.
There are so many presentations in the web.Found this one and kind of like it although

most of the words are too small.