will of God. The enumerating is mine.

heart in such a state that it has
no will of its own in regard to a
given matter. "
"Nine tenths of the trouble with people generally
is just here. Nine tenths of the difficulties are
overcome when our hearts are ready

whatever it may be."
2. "Having done this, I do not leave result to feeling
or simple impression. I seek the will of the Spirit
of God through, or in connection with, the Word
of God. The Spirit and the Word must be

providential circumstances."

4. "I ask God in prayer to reveal
His will to me aright. "
5. Then comes reflection.
"Thus through prayer to God, the study of the Word,
and reflection, I come to deliberate judgment according
to the best of my ability and knowledge;
and if my mind is thus at peace,
and if my mind is thus at peace,
and continues so after two or three more petitions, I proceed accordingly."

"The whole process took time."
Sounds like good advice.