After being convinced that we do indeed need
to restore a vision of the Most High God back
to churches if we want revival, there is a
danger of which we need to be warned.
It is the danger of wanting to be the one God
uses to reveal His glory.
"What?" You may exclaim. "Is that a danger?"
"Isn't it great that you desire to do that?"
"What is so wrong with that?"
Well, according to Tozer in his sermon,the
danger lies in "asking for a cut of the glory
of God; a percentage of the glory of God."
Behind the zeal may lurks the desire for
self-glory, praise and applause.
Tozer put it so graphically:
"We want the army of the Lord to win, but
we like to be a commissioned officer so
that when it wins, we can ride at the head
of the parade."
"We want our church to triumph over her foes,
but we like to be around there working,so
when it triumphs,everyone will say we had a
part in it."
"We want our Sunday school to grow for the
glory of God, but we also would like to be
known that great Sunday school man:Under
his superintendency, it went from 25 - 39."
Self. Self. Self. Rearing his ugly head.
Never wanting to lose out. Even to God.
Tozer said this is how we should pray:
"O God, honor Thyself, but do it through me
or do it without me. If you want to use me,
all right.But if not, I'll back the man you
do use.I'll love him; I won't be jealous.
I'll pray for him and I'll work hard behind
the scene and do my dead-level best, unseen
to do what I can do."
"We have to pray like that.Otherwise we're
praying selfishly.If it's the glory of God
we want to see restored,then we don't care
if we have any part in it or not."
According to Tozer, that's the approach and
attitude we should have and we have to pray
like that.
But for most of us, it's tough to be a John
the Baptist. Work so hard and let someone
take the credit?
Perhaps that's why true revival won't take
The fervor and zeal cease when no credit is
given.The 'movement' dissipates even before
it can stir up a revival.
Or when praise and applause are given,very
soon these leaders have their 'little
kingdoms'within the the church and there is
more divisions than spiritual revivalamongst
the members.
It is still the glory of the self that is
being promoted, not the glory of the Most High
God. So how can true revival take place?
Revival or not, the reminder is relevant as
we serve God - be careful that as we do so,
we are not asking for a cut of God's glory.