Last week, at Tecman, bought "Fellowship
of the Burning Heart" by A.W.Tozer.
The book is edited by Rev.James L.Snyder;
Publisher is Bridge-Logos,
Orlander, FL 32822 USA
Year 2006.
Here are some remarks to have a laugh or two
but also to chew on :
1. "Now there's a lot of praying going on these
days. God is on everybody's mailing list these
days... A lot of things He is not going to do,
and we might just as well save our time and
go for a walk. "
2. The simple fact is that God never responds
to any such prayers....
He allows people to blow off steam all night
long, rub their sleepy eyes, and then go home
thinking they had done God's work.
3. There was a day when men believed in the
sovereignty of God. The Calvinists believed in
the sovereignty of God and the Arminians
believed in the sovereignty of God, stronger yet
than the Calvinists, although they didn't know it.
4.The great God of the Bible is the God into
whose presence you went with fear. You do
not come dashing in wearing your tennis outfit
and go into a huddle with God, and then rush
out again.
5. Send a missionary over there with a cheap
concept of God and his head filled with jingly
choruses, and that's the kind of Christianity
he will produce over there.
6. I know some of you will never get over that
"If God wants to pick up the Mennonites and
restore the glory of God, you have to pray just
as hard and just as seriously as if He was going
to use the Christians and Missionary Alliance.
I know some of you will never get over that. There
will be heart attacks all over the campgrounds.
It'll be all right. You'll get over it.
7. But God will send His prophets. He always
has. Some red- headed fellow, running around
here covered with freckles, with big ears
standing out like taxi cab doors standing open.
You don't know - that may be the boy.